21 research outputs found

    Stability for a continuous SOS-interface model in a randomly perturbed periodic potential

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    We consider the Gibbs-measures of continuous-valued height configurations on the dd-dimensional integer lattice in the presence a weakly disordered potential. The potential is composed of Gaussians having random location and random depth; it becomes periodic under shift of the interface perpendicular to the base-plane for zero disorder. We prove that there exist localized interfaces with probability one in dimensions d≥3+1d\geq 3+1, in a `low-temperature' regime. The proof extends the method of continuous-to-discrete single- site coarse graining that was previously applied by the author for a double-well potential to the case of a non-compact image space. This allows to utilize parts of the renormalization group analysis developed for the treatment of a contour representation of a related integer-valued SOS-model in [BoK1]. We show that, for a.e. fixed realization of the disorder, the infinite volume Gibbs measures then have a representation as superpositions of massive Gaussian fields with centerings that are distributed according to the infinite volume Gibbs measures of the disordered integer-valued SOS-model with exponentially decaying interactions

    Weakly Gibbsian representations for joint measures of quenched lattice spin models

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    Can the joint measures of quenched disordered lattice spin models (with finite range) on the product of spin-space and disorder-space be represented as (suitably generalized) Gibbs measures of an ``annealed system''? - We prove that there is always a potential (depending on both spin and disorder variables) that converges absolutely on a set of full measure w.r.t. the joint measure (``weak Gibbsianness''). This ``positive'' result is surprising when contrasted with the results of a previous paper [K6], where we investigated the measure of the set of discontinuity points of the conditional expectations (investigation of ``a.s. Gibbsianness''). In particular we gave natural ``negative'' examples where this set is even of measure one (including the random field Ising model). Further we discuss conditions giving the convergence of vacuum potentials and conditions for the decay of the joint potential in terms of the decay of the disorder average over certain quenched correlations. We apply them to various examples. From this one typically expects the existence of a potential that decays superpolynomially outside a set of measure zero. Our proof uses a martingale argument that allows to cut (an infinite volume analogue of) the quenched free energy into local pieces, along with generalizations of Kozlov's constructions

    How non-Gibbsianness helps a metastable Morita minimizer to provide a stable free energy

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    We analyze a simple approximation scheme based on the Morita-approach for the example of the mean field random field Ising model where it is claimed to be exact in some of the physics literature. We show that the approximation scheme is flawed, but it provides a set of equations whose metastable solutions surprisingly yield the correct solution of the model. We explain how the same equations appear in a different way as rigorous consistency equations. We clarify the relation between the validity of their solutions and the almost surely discontinuous behavior of the single-site conditional probabilities.Comment: 15 page

    The continuous spin random field model: Ferromagnetic ordering in d>=3

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    We investigate the Gibbs-measures of ferromagnetically coupled continuous spins in double-well potentials subjected to a random field (our specific example being the ϕ4\phi^4 theory), showing ferromagnetic ordering in d≥3d\geq 3 dimensions for weak disorder and large energy barriers. We map the random continuous spin distributions to distributions for an Ising-spin system by means of a single-site coarse-graining method described by local transition kernels. We derive a contour- representation for them with notably positive contour activities and prove their Gibbsianness. This representation is shown to allow for application of the discrete-spin renormalization group developed by Bricmont/Kupiainen implying the result in d≥3d\geq 3.Comment: 46 page

    Attractor properties for irreversible and reversible interacting particle systems

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    We consider translation-invariant interacting particle systems on the lattice with finite local state space admitting at least one Gibbs measure as a time-stationary measure. The dynamics can be irreversible but should satisfy some mild non-degeneracy conditions. We prove that weak limit points of any trajectory of translation-invariant measures, satisfying a non-nullness condition, are Gibbs states for the same specification as the time-stationary measure. This is done under the additional assumption that zero entropy loss of the limiting measure w.r.t. the time-stationary measure implies that they are Gibbs measures for the same specification. We show how to prove the non-nullness for a large number of cases, and also give an alternate version of the last condition such that the non-nullness requirement can be dropped. As an application we obtain the attractor property if there is a reversible Gibbs measure. Our method generalizes convergence results using relative entropy techniques to a large class of dynamics including irreversible and non-ergodic ones.Comment: 32 page